Wednesday, January 6, 2010

1-5-2010 - Times Square

Punk Fucking Rock. This is a really fun movie. Times Square is about a rich girl and a street urchin who escape from a mental hospital and become outlaws on the run in 1980 NYC. Pam (trini alvarado) is a quiet rich kid who is sick of her politician dad being a phony. Nicky (robin johnson) is a punk girl from the streets who doesnt give a fuck. They become a sensation around town and start being mentioned by Tim Curry on his way too cool radio show. There are some fantastic shots of pre-sanitized NYC as the girls hang out in strip clubs on 42'nd street and run through porn theatres while being chased by the cops. The soundtrack is fantastic. They start calling themselves "The Sleez Sisters" and with the help of the house band at the strip club where Pam dances they go on Tim Curry's radio show and play some great punk songs. This is actually a really decent movie that does a great job of capturing that punk rock anger that you get from all the fuckup punk kids. There is a lesbian vibe between Pam and Nicky that is never really addressed - From what I have read it was a much more prominent part of the movie and was cut out by the studio after they fired the director. The movie is a little uneven and you can tell that there are some big chunks missing. Regardless, it is very enjoyable. A double feature of this and Over The Edge would be a near perfect punk rock movie night.


  1. I found this movie on You Tube during a very boring workday. I wished I would've known about this movie back in high school but I definitely agree about the pre-sanitized NYC shots. Made me wish I was old enough to experience pre-Disney New York.

  2. I went to Show World Center a couple times before they shut it down. It was one of the very last hold outs of filthy 42nd street and it was just amazing. Like a 3 story chuck-e-cheese for the perverse. Sarah and I once received a completely insane lap dance from a middle aged puerto rican woman that was just rediculous and campy and strange. She was probably in her mid-50's and was doing a routine that was more like old school burlesque than normal stripping. It was pretty awesome.
